Past and Future Indefinite exhibition in Liepaja

The past and the future are illusions of our mind: frescoes of the past have faded away while pictures of the future are nothing else than our surreal dreams that are not very likely to ever become a reality. However, we spend most of our lives worrying about our mistakes and dreaming to see our wishes come true. Our mind, like a hungry giraffe, keeps reaching far out beyond the clouds, as it seems that leaves on the tree-tops are always greener, and that the future is always more brilliant than the present. And somewhere out there, far away, at the very feet of the long-necked animal, lies the real world which we so often take only as the building material for a bright future.

Is it possible to turn off the scrolling text of our mind? People seem to be less perfect than mobile phones, and we can't switch to offline mode by simply pressing a button. But in fact things may be not so sad. Perhaps art was invented for this very purpose. Painting is a suspended moment, a still frame that gives us a chance to see a time point captured in a two-dimensional space.

One of the great minds remarked that looking at a painting, we learn to admire the world around us, to see the beautiful in everything, in all reality around us, — reality being the key word here. Hopefully, art images would help us notice the beauty under our feet, see carpet of leaves and flowers before they turn into earth again. After all, the world does not stop for a second, but at the crossroads of time, we do not always manage to notice this subtle movement, this self-making harmony.

We are used to searching for meanings in art, building concepts, and arguing about philosophical ideas. Still, you can look at art in a different way: you can look at it while tuning your mind to silence, giving yourself a chance to feel the magic of immersion in the vivid space of suspended time.

Painting and installations, flat and 3D art space of the exhibition: they all are attempts of the artists to outplay the time, attempts to help us stop and define something very important for ourselves. And, perhaps, we will want to change the existential questions once posed by Paul Gauguin in the title of his picture (Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?) to more current phrasing: What am I feeling now? What is the surrounding reality filled with? Can I just be myself?

The Past and Future Indefinite exhibition features works by three contemporary artists: Dace Dēliņa Lipska (Liepaja, Latvia), Vladimir Migachev (Krasnodar, Russia), and Ilya Gaponov (St Petersburg, Russia).

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